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The 3 Keys to Transformation: How One Man Helped 196 People Against All Odds

Video 1: Why Is Changing People So Hard?

Thumbnail for 3 Keys Video

Video 2: The Three Keys to Transformation

Video 3: When it all builds Momentum

EPiC Leadership Video Graphic

Video 4: EPiC Leadership

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Download your free eBook on the Relational Bank Account

This eBook explores the powerful concept of relationships being like bank accounts: you make deposits and withdrawals. The key to this concept is to always ensure you have made enough in a relationship before making a withdrawal (e.g. asking them to change).

Cover of Relational Bank Account eBook

  • angle-rightThe eBook sets out 10 ways to make a  ‘deposit’ into a relationship account. 
  • angle-rightIt helps you reframe any relationship in a positive way, with a new mindset.
  • angle-rightIt helps win people over to your view and your request.

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